MORE OF The Funniest Replies to Donald Trump Tweets of All Time This Week

If there’s one thing the president does well, it’s…it’s…

Well, he tweets a lot. So there’s that.

1) TFW you unexpectedly find common ground over Trump bashing you on Twitter

2) He’ll reboot this more times than the ‘Spider-Man’ films

3) McDonald’s is still hiring

4) That…that’s not how leadership works…

5) The worst couches. No one does couches worse than him

6) Enter discount code ‘ORGY’

7) Just because he said it doesn’t mean he said it

8) Oh, he misheard that as ‘lies televised news conference’

9) Finish him, Pt. 1

10) Finish him, Pt. 2

11) Plantation is French for ‘park with slaves in it’

12) It was his plan all along!

13) Since when has this president needed evidence

